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parallel lyrics and alternate chords

From: Peter Buhr
Subject: parallel lyrics and alternate chords
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 15:47:18 -0400

I need help on two items.

Bar 4 (below) is the end of the verse and the start of the chorus. The fs,g,a
notes are the end of the verse and I want to have the lyrics "aah aah aah" for
these notes. The pickup for the chorus is the d,d notes and I want to have the
lyrics "I could" for these notes. I understand the problem is the 2 voices used
in bar 4. I've looked at a number of solutions for this issue in the lilypond
document and the website, but I can't seem to make any of them work for me, and
all the solutions seem complex. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, I want to indicate alternate chords, e.g., instead of just an "A" chord,
I want to indicate "A (Em)", meaning the artist can play either the "A" or "Em"
chord. I tried putting a "markup" on the "A" chord but that is not allowed.
Again, any help would be appreciated.

\version "2.14.0"
\include ""
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
harmony = \chordmode {
        d2. | a:7 | d | d:7 |
        g | g | d | d |
melody = \relative c'' {
        \key d \major \time 3/4
        \new Voice = "repeat" \repeat volta 1 {
            d8 d ~ d4. e8 | f8 [ e ~ ] e [ d ] fs e | d2. |
                   { fs4 g a } \\ { r2 d,8 -\tweak #'X-offset #2.5 
^\markup{\fontsize #-1 \bold{CHORUS}} d }
                >> | \break
        \new Voice = "chorus" {
                g2 g8 d | b'2 b8 b | a2 fs8 e | d2 a8 a | \break
                \bar "||"
verseA = \lyricmode {
        blue -- bird in e -- e -- e -- ve -- ry tree.
        aah aah aah
verseB = \lyricmode {
        see through the e -- y -- es of a child.
        I could
chorus = \lyricmode {
        see right no wrong. I could see good no bad. I could
\score {
                \context ChordNames {
                        \set chordChanges = ##t
                \context Voice {
                \lyricsto "repeat" \new Lyrics \verseA
                \lyricsto "repeat" \new Lyrics \verseB
                \lyricsto "chorus" \new Lyrics \chorus

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