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\makeOctaves broken?

From: Urs Liska
Subject: \makeOctaves broken?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 01:44:49 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120329 Thunderbird/11.0.1

I was quite happy to find the function \makeOctaves in the LSR.

But now it seems to be broken - there is no error message, but the function doesn't do anything (2.15.36). As I don't know _anything_ about Scheme I can't do more than ask if anybody has an idea what has changed with LilyPond so that this function is now broken?

I thought I could live without \makeOctaves (at least for some time). But now I've come across a piece that practically consists of octaves ...

Any help would really be apreciated.


%LSR This function was contributed by Jay Anderson.

#(define (octave-up m t)
 (let* ((octave (1- t))
      (new-note (ly:music-deep-copy m))
      (new-pitch (ly:make-pitch
        (ly:pitch-notename (ly:music-property m 'pitch))
        (ly:pitch-alteration (ly:music-property m 'pitch)))))
  (set! (ly:music-property new-note 'pitch) new-pitch)

#(define (octavize-chord elements t)
 (cond ((null? elements) elements)
     ((eq? (ly:music-property (car elements) 'name) 'NoteEvent)
       (cons (car elements)
             (cons (octave-up (car elements) t)
                   (octavize-chord (cdr elements) t))))
     (else (cons (car elements) (octavize-chord (cdr elements ) t)))))

#(define (octavize music t)
 (if (eq? (ly:music-property music 'name) 'EventChord)
       (ly:music-set-property! music 'elements (octavize-chord
(ly:music-property music 'elements) t)))

makeOctaves = #(define-music-function (parser location arg mus) (integer? 
 (music-map (lambda (x) (octavize x arg)) mus))

 \relative c' {
   \time 3/8
   \key gis \minor
   \makeOctaves #1  { dis8( e dis')~ dis8.( cis16 b8}
   \makeOctaves #-1 { ais' gis dis) cis( dis<dis gis'>) }

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