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last time around for remove bar numbers won't upgrade.

From: Jay Hamilton
Subject: last time around for remove bar numbers won't upgrade.
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 14:50:17 -0700

When I tried to use the solutions suggested nothing happened, no log report nada.  That's what I mean by ground to a halt.  Therefore I can't tell you what happened because I have no information.  As for what I meant by I expected putting \remove "Bar_number_engraver" with \remove "Bar_engraver" etc I mean that I put it with them and nothing changed.
I just today found a page 368(?) which shows possibly what Toine did mean and to me that does not look at all like putting it with the other \remove instructions.  Just to make sure that I'm not totally making a fool of myself (I've already done enough damage I suspect with this whole morass) I looked over the relevant parts of 2.16 manual and I'm not doing anything in this piece that looks totally wrong.--- to me.

\version "2.14.1"
\header {
title = "persian music"
subtitle = "Dastgah-e Homayun #41"
composer = "trad"
copyright = \markup { \tiny \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
{ "CC lic 2.5 some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2012"
} }
#(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)
#(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 30)
indent = 30
short-indent = 15
right-margin = 30
top-margin = 15
bottom-margin = 15

melody = \relative c
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 14/8
\override Staff.TimeSignature #' style = #' ()
\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
#(set-accidental-style 'forget)
\partial 16
des'16 c8 [des] c [des] c [des] c des2 r8
des16. (c32) des16 c \break
\time 10/8
b16 [c des] c32 [des c des] c [des c des]
b [c b c b c b c] b16 c2 \break
\time 33/16
c16 [b aes g] aes8 [g] aes [g] aes [g] aes [aes] g4 r g16 [aes b c] des \break
\time 35/16
c4 (b16) des c4 (b16) c [des] c [des8 (e16)] des8. ([c16])
c8.([b16]) c2 r8 \break
\time 22/8
c16 [des e] e2 c8 [des e] c [des e] c [des e]
des16 [e des] e8.-> ([f16]) e8.-> ([f16])
e8.-> (f16) \break
\time 33/16
e16 [des c] des8.-> ([e16]) des8.-> ([e16]) des8.-> ([e16])
des16 [c des] e8.-> ([f16]) e8.-> ([f16]) e8.-> ([f16])
e16 [des e] \break
\time 17/8
f8.-> ([g16]) f8.-> ([g16]) f8.-> ([g16]) f16 [e des]
e8.-> ([f16]) e8.-> ([f16]) e8.-> (f16)
e16 [des c] des8.-> ([e16]) \break
\time 17/8
des8.-> ([e16]) des8.-> ([e16]) des[c b c] b2 des16 c2
e16 [des des c c] \break
\time 15/8
des16 [c c b] b4. des c4 (des16) b c2
\bar "|."

\score {
\new Staff \melody }
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\remove "Bar_engraver"
 \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\midi { }

So have at it.
It doesn't take the bar numbers off on my side of the internet.

As for upgrading, I feel now hesitantly remorseful for opening this can of worms.  I can say that I worked on the education notation documentation years ago and within 6 months what was in the docs had none of my effort, all of it had been changed a lot.

And trying to convert from 2.10.25 --to=2.12.2 was a miserable failure and I was glad that I had pdf-s for those pieces because the results didn't work.

So what I did when 2.14 came along is that I finished all my current work in 2.12 and then began fresh with 2.14  which is probably what I will do after my opera is finalized (at more currently more than 350 pages in 2nd draft I'm not willing to mess with it ).

And though it sounds rough in type/emails sometimes I do think just pointing towards the place in the manual might be a formula to be 'generally' followed because often then the question can get more technical.

Thanks to everyone sorry to get you all so sidetracked.

Subject: Re: quick reply(s) bar numbers
Message-ID: <address@hidden>
Content-Type: text/plain

Jay Hamilton <address@hidden> writes:

> Thanks for the comments, No the solutions didn't compile or I just
> don't understand what Toine means/meant.

 The programs compiled fine on their own. 

> Putting the additional materials in the layout just ground the program
> to a halt.

"ground the program to a halt" is not really the kind of information
from which one can deduce what went wrong.  Neither is "Putting the
additional materials in the layout" as there is a large variety of
possibilities of doing that.

 > it was
> just that I was surprised that the \remove for bar number should not
> work in the same place as the other removes

Why shouldn't it?

Can you explain what you mean by "the documents have changed"?  Which

> PS I've never gotten anything I've tried to convert-ly to compile.

 From which version to which version?

David Kastrup


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 09:23:39 +0200
From: Francisco Vila <address@hidden>
  But the contents of the lily user group is made by users like you, and
you as a member have always something to say and participate, and the
level of complexity depends on what users ask and other users answer.
There is not a pre-set level that excludes anybody not interested in
some specific issues. Rather, whatever issues are you interested in,
is what makes the traffic of the users list, not the other way.

Francisco - I understand the sentiment but it really doesn't feel that way.  Jay

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

Jay Hamilton Sound and Silence 206-328-7694

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