Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. März 2013 um 11:53 Uhr
Von: "David Kastrup" <address@hidden>
> I think what we want to arrive at is a way to drop in music fonts into
> LilyPond in a tolerable workable way. I think that we can't avoid at
first the necessity of having the font, if not its glyphs, at least its
metrics and letter names, tailored to LilyPond.
Yes. I absolutely agree. Example: in contrast to the fonts used by Finale, Sibelus et al. in LilyJAZZ there are distinctive Flag characters ranging from quavers to hemidemisemiquavers just like in Feta, whereas Finale tend to bulild them up from parts, as it looks like.
> A second stage might
likely include putting a Scheme layer in between that can serve LilyPond
with the impression of a virtual font, but I think that a viable
starting point would likely be a font with a specific layout.
The Jazz fonts serve a different purpose than Gonville: Gonville is
intended as a wholesale replacement of LilyPond's fonts, made with a
somewhat different set of design choices. The Jazz fonts, in contrast,
are for a different style of use. For this reason, Gonville inclusion
centered on the question "how do I get an installation where the default
LilyPond fonts have been replaced by Gonville?".
We can't do that with the Jazz fonts. While there will be users who
> don't use anything else, we will also have users who need both styles.
We can't do that and we *mustn't* do that, because a traditional font (Feta/Gonville) surely has to remain the default font in *any* lilypond installation. While a jazz font may look great in specific applications such as lead sheets, it's certainly a bad choice for, say, complex piano music.
Thanks and all the best,