% Test file to develop the interface to \annotate % See https://github.com/openlilylib/lilypond-doc/wiki/Documenting-musical-content for discussion \version "2.17.18" % Plain signature of the function draft annotate = #(define-void-function (parser location grob type properties annotation) (string? string? list? string?) ) \relative ges, { \key ges \major \clef bass \time 3/4 \repeat tremolo 24 ges32-> -\markup { \dynamic "sfz" } \p \< | \annotate Script "critremark" #'(("voice" . "vc1") ("source" . "Ms. 2") ("author" . "Urs Liska") ("date" . "2013-06-06")) "Tenuto added as in Vc. 2" ges4-- \p r r | r4 r \annotate Hairpin "engraving" #'(("voice" . "vc1")) "Hairpin is too short (smashed)!" f'( \( \p \< | \annotate Hairpin "followup" #'(("author" . "John Doe") ("date" . "May")) "I will take care of that ASAP" ges2.)~ \! | ges4\> f e | f2.~ \p | f2 es4 | d2. \)| }