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Enter correctly flat and sharp notes

From: Tommaso Gordini
Subject: Enter correctly flat and sharp notes
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 15:53:34 +0200

Hello to all,
here's a minimal code:


\version "2.16.2"

\relative c {

\clef "bass"

\key c \major



^\markup { \tiny { Serie armonica del fa (+: crescente; -: calante) } }

^\markup {\small { Corno in Fa } }

c' \clef "treble" g' c e g \stemUp bes4-- \stemDown c2 d e f4-+ g2 a4-- bes-+ b2 c

\cadenzaOff \bar "||"


\layout {

\context {

\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"




The quarter notes marked with '-' are flat, quarter notes marked with '' are sharp. What is the correct way to indicate it? I tried to draw the arrows, but I could not do it.


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