\version "2.18.0" % from gregorian.ly divisioMaior = { \once \override BreathingSign.stencil = #ly:breathing-sign::divisio-maior \once \override BreathingSign.Y-offset = #0 % Workaround: add padding. Correct fix would be spacing engine handle this. \once \override BreathingSign.minimum-X-extent = #'(-1.0 . 0.0) \once \override BreathingSign.minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2.5 . 2.5) \breathe } finalis = { \once \override BreathingSign.stencil = #ly:breathing-sign::finalis \once \override BreathingSign.Y-offset = #0 % Workaround: add padding. Correct fix would be spacing engine handle this. \once \override BreathingSign.minimum-X-extent = #'(-1.0 . 0.0) \once \override BreathingSign.minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2.5 . 2.5) \breathe } \score { << \new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver \hide Stem } { \key d \major \new Voice = "V" \relative c'' { \cadenzaOn a4 fis d g fis fis4*1/3( e d4) d4 % or fis16, fis4*1/6, whatever you like \finalis fis4*1/3( g4) fis a fis d e d % ditto \divisioMaior } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "V" \lyricmode { Cre -- do in u -- num De -- um. Pa -- trem om -- ni -- po -- ten -- tem, } >> \layout { \context { \Score %% You also might want to try this: % \override SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t } } }