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Re: Double thin bar lines and repeats?

From: Flaming Hakama by Elaine
Subject: Re: Double thin bar lines and repeats?
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:34:07 -0800


From: Lars-Johan Liman <address@hidden>
Subject: Double thin bar lines and repeats?
> However, I'm trying to end a section of piano music with thin double bar
> lines, break the line, and then start the next line with repeat marks. I
> cannot make it work. Any hints?

The trick is to define a missing barline definition.

What is not obvious is that each barline definition has a few cases.
These correspond to how it is treated before a line break, in the middle of a line, and after a line break.

So, you'll want to define a repeat barline that prints as a double bar line at the end of the preceding line.
Then you need to use that barline explicitly for your volta.

Here is the one I use, which does the same thing except it also uses the bigger flags "[|:".
You can probably fiddle with that part of it to get what you want, if you want no flags on the repeat.


\version "2.18.0"

%  The missing definition.
\defineBarLine "||.[|:" #'("||" "[|:" "")
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff { \clef treble \key c\major \time 4/4

    %  No need to add the barline at the end here, since it is being covered by the new repeat.
    <g c' e'> <a c' f'> <g c' e'> <a c' f'>
                                             %\bar "||" |

    %  Use your barline here
    \bar "||.[|:"

    \repeat volta 2 {
      <g c' e'> <a c' f'> <g c' e'> <a c' f'> |

    %  If you like the big flags, use the corresponding end repeat here.
    \bar ":|]"

  \new Staff { \clef bass \key c\major \time 4/4
    <c, c>4 <d, d> <c, c>4 <d, d> |
    <c, c>4 <d, d> <c, c>4 <d, d> |



> it may well be according to modern typesetting standards, but I'm trying
> to facsimile copy some 100-year-old notes which are brittle and barely
> legible, and they have this very "feature" in them - so "not my fault!" :-)
>                                 Cheers,
>                                   /Lars-Johan Liman

You are certainly not doing anything wrong.
I would argue that behavior should be the default.

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the default barlines used for voltas?



David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "Confusion is highly underrated"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist

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