\version "2.18.2" global = { \time 3/2 \key ees\major \set Score.currentBarNumber = #3 \bar "" } \parallelMusic #'(rhythm high medium low) { \global % mes.3 c4 s s c8 s c4 s | g'4 ees' f'2 ees'4 d' | \stemNeutral g4 aes2 g8 f g2 | s1. | % mes.4 s4 s s c8 s c4 c8 s | 4 ees' d' g'8 f' ees'4 f'8 ees' | \stemUp c2 g, c | c,2 s1 | % mes.5 s2 c4 s s c8 s | d'8 ees' d' c' bes4 f'_\laissezVibrer c'_\laissezVibrer s8 ees' | bes,2 g,4 aes,2. | s1 s4 \once\stemUp f, | % mes.6 c4 s s c8 s c4 s | d'2 c'2. b4 | g,1.*1/6 f4 ees d8 c d2 | s1. | } \score { %\new StaffGroup << \new RhythmicStaff = "Rhythm" { \rhythm } \new TabStaff = "High" \with { stringTunings = \stringTuning fretLabels = \markuplist { \column { \vspace #.15 "a" } "b" \column { \vspace #.15 "c" } %\column { \vspace #.15 "r" } "d" %\rotate #90 "d" \column { \vspace #.15 "e" } "f" "g" "h" "j" } \override TabNoteHead.extra-offset = #'(0 . .15) \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing = #'((padding . .5)) \override TimeSignature.style = #'single-digit \override TimeSignature.extra-offset = #'(-2 . 0) \override TimeSignature.font-size = #3 \revert TimeSignature.stencil } { << \high \\ \medium >> } \new TabStaff = "Low" \with { \bar "" \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing = #'( (basic-distance . 2) (padding . 2)) %% these are not real string tunings %% it's set to show the bass strings %% under the tablature stringTunings = \stringTuning fretLabels = \markuplist { "///a" \null \null "//a" \null \null \null "/a" \column { \vspace #.15 "a" } } } { \low } \new GrandStaff << \new Staff { \clef G \global << \context Voice = "High" { \voiceOne << \high >> } % \context Voice = "Medium" { \voiceTwo << \medium >> } >> } \new Staff { \clef F \global << \medium \\ \low >> } >> >> \layout { indent = 0 \context { \RhythmicStaff \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" \omit Clef \omit TimeSignature %% un comment to hide note heads in the rhythmic line: %\omit NoteHead \override Stem.length = #6 fontSize = #-1 \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 4) (minimum-distance . 3) (padding . 1)) \stemUp \autoBeamOff %% show old style flags in the rhythmic line: %\override Flag.stencil = #old-straight-flag \override Stem.thickness = #1.0 \override Dots.extra-offset = #'(0 . 1) } \context { \TabStaff \omit Clef tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format } \context { \GrandStaff \omit StringNumber } } }