\version "2.18.2" \header { tagline = ##f % <= remove "Music engraving by LilyPond 2.18.2—www.lilypond.org" } \markuplist { % <= see: http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/text-markup-list-commands.html \vspace #0.5 % <= put some space here \abs-fontsize #24.0 "Sweet Lady" \abs-fontsize #14.0 "Solo Piano" \vspace #0.3 % <= put some space here \abs-fontsize #12.0 "arr. Karim Kamar" \vspace #1 % <= put some space here %% Note that you can get the same in the \header { }, see: http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/custom-titles-headers-and-footers.html } sweetLadyRH = \transpose c c' { % <= just here to reach the octave \clef G \key c \major \time 4/4 | % mes.1 b8 c' e' a2~ a8 | % mes.2 2~ q4~ q8 c'8\noBeam | % mes.3 b4 c'8 g2~ g8~ | % mes.4 g2~ g8 b b~ | % mes.5 b8 c' b g2~ g8~ | % mes.6 g2~ g8[ ~ q16 d8~ d16] | % mes.7 1 | % mes.8 4 ~ | % mes.9 q4 c'~ | % mes.10 %\autoBeamOff % <= possibly c'4 8 4 8 ~ | % mes.11 q4 ~ | % mes.12 q4 ~ | % mes.13 q4 ~ | % mes.14 q4 8 4 8 ~ | % mes.15 q4 | % mes.16 4 | % mes.17 4 c'8 g2~ g8~ | % mes.18 g4 8 4 8 ~ | % mes.19 q4 ~ | % mes.20 q4 | % mes.21 4 c'8 g2~ g8~ | % mes.22 g4 8 4 8 ~ | % mes.23 q4 | % mes.24 4 ~ | % mes.25 q4 b8 a b a g4~ | % mes.26 g4 c8 c e c s4 % <= here to complete time sig. % end \bar "|." } sweetLadyLH = { \clef F \key c \major \time 4/4 | % mes.1 a8 e' a' g'2~ g'8~ | % mes.2 g'1 | % mes.3 f8 c' f' f'2~ f'8 | % mes.4 c'2 | % mes.5 a,8 e a b4~ b8 c'4 | % mes.6 e'2 | % mes.7 1 | % mes.8 4 | % mes.9 a,8 e a b c' b e g, | % mes.10 f,8 c a f c' f' g' c' | % mes.11 d,8 a, f d a d' e' d | % mes.12 \stemDown e,8 e g b \stemNeutral e' b g b | % mes.13 a,8 e c' a e' a' b' e' | % mes.14 f,8 c a f c' f' g' c' | % mes.15 d,8 a, f d a d' e' d | % mes.16 e,8 e d, d c, c b, b | % mes.17 a,8 e a c' e' a' g' g, | % mes.18 f,8 c a f c' f' g' c' | % mes.19 d,8 a, f d a d' e' d | % mes.20 \stemDown e,8 e g b e' b g b | % mes.21 a,8 e a b \stemUp e c' a, g, | % mes.22 \stemNeutral f,8 c a f c' f' g' c' | % mes.23 d,8 a, f d a d' e' d | % mes.24 e,8 e d, d c, c b,, b, | % mes.25 a,8 e a e b e a, e | % mes.26 f,8 c f c g c a f, %end \bar "|." } \score { \new PianoStaff % <= my choice %\new StaffGroup % <= your choice \with { instrumentName = #"Piano " } << \new Staff \sweetLadyRH \new Staff \sweetLadyLH >> % pdf output: \layout {} % midi output: \midi { \tempo 4 = 96 % <= specified tempo for midi } }