\version "2.18.2" \pointAndClickOff exeSixFourSeven = { \key ees\major \tempo "tempo 647" \repeat volta 2 { \repeat volta 2 { | % mes.1 s1 %^\markup "C" % <= alternative chord name for less ko? } \alternative { { | % mes.2 s1 %^\markup "F" % <= alternative chord name for less ko? } { | % mes.3 s1 %^\markup "C7" % <= alternative chord name for less ko? } } % end. } } exeSixFourChords = \chordmode { | % mes.1 c1 | % mes.2 f1 | % mes.3 c1:7 % end. } % { \tocItem \markup "647" \score { << %% uncomment the 'ChordNames': pdf will grow from 100 ko to 160 ko %\new ChordNames \exeSixFourChords \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \exeSixFourSeven \new TabStaff \exeSixFourSeven >> >> \layout { ragged-right = ##f indent = 0 system-count = 1 % <= specify the number of system (avoid '\break' & '\noBreak' work) \context { \Score \omit BarNumber } \context { \StaffGroup \omit SystemStartBracket } \context { \Staff \clef "F_8" \numericTimeSignature } \context { \TabStaff stringTunings = #bass-tuning \clef "moderntab" \tabFullNotation \omit TimeSignature \omit TextScript } \context { \FretBoards stringTunings = #bass-tuning } } \header { piece = \markup\sans\bold\fontsize #5 "647" } } %}