All my old files are on a currently inaccessible hard drive. I'm creating new files. My style may reflect 2.6.5
Right now I'm just trying to recreate the template I was using. Small steps.
Sent from my iPhone Edward,
Not sure which version you are used to using, but yes, I can verify the use of \tempo inside of the \midi block in any of the recent stable and unstable versions. I've found it quite handy when the printed score just uses tempo text (like "Andante"), but since that doesn't carry a numeric value with it, you can manually use \midi { \tempo 4 = 72 } to get the right playback speed while not affecting what appears on the printed score.
But you probably knew that already...
Best, Abraham On Monday, September 28, 2015, Edward Ardzinski [via Lilypond] < [hidden email]> wrote:
My computer died, and while I should be able to salvage my old filed, but for now I'm trying to deal with using note pad.
It seems my old template might work ok, I thought that I could not use \tempo in the midi {} block, but it seems to work.
It's funny how much you forget relying on tools and other shortcuts.
Sent from my iPhone
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