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Percent repeats within \parallelMusic

From: David Sumbler
Subject: Percent repeats within \parallelMusic
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2015 21:16:16 +0100

The string quartet I have been working on has a few passages where one
or more of the instruments are playing the same pattern for several bars
in succession.

In the score I want these to be written out in full, but in the parts I
would like to use numbered "percent" repeat marks.

The obvious way for me to do this was to use tags, and provide 2

Unfortunately, because I am using the \parallelMusic structure, it seems
to me that this won't work.

As an alternative, I thought I could provide the alternatives on a
bar-by-bar basis, just for the instrument concerned, so I have
experimented to see how I can construct the required output.

With just the repeat marks, this works:

\version "2.19.24"

makePercent =
#(define-music-function (note) (ly:music?)
   "Make a percent repeat the same length as NOTE."
   (make-music 'PercentEvent
               'length (ly:music-length note)))

\relative c'' {
%Normal version
  \repeat percent 3 { c1 }
%Constructed version
  \makePercent s1
  \makePercent s1

But the best I have managed so far to include numbers over the repeats

\version "2.19.24"

makePercent =
#(define-music-function (note) (ly:music?)
   "Make a percent repeat the same length as NOTE."
   (make-music 'PercentEvent
               'length (ly:music-length note)))

\relative c'' {
  \set countPercentRepeats = ##t
  \repeat percent 3 { c1 }
%Constructed version
  << {\makePercent s1} {s1^\markup \override #'(font-encoding . fetaText) \tiny 
"2"} >>
  << {\makePercent s1} {s1^\markup \override #'(font-encoding . fetaText) \tiny 
"3"} >>

This works (apart from the fact that the numbers are not correctly
centred over the bar), but it is clearly rather ungainly.

Can anyone suggest a better way of achieving what I want?


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