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Re: How write cross-staff slur (in combination with lyrics)

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: How write cross-staff slur (in combination with lyrics)
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2015 13:05:31 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

address@hidden writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm a complete newbie here, so please bare with me ;-)
> I already spent a couple of hours, reading all manuals and mailing
> lists, trying to engrave something as simple as this:
> *
> Notice: the "full-measure rests" are not shown in the screenshot
> (beginner piano book), but I want to engrave them anyway. Result:
> please check lilypond attachment.

Good.  Attaching your example document makes it easy to just add the
required changes.

> 2 problems:
> 1.cross-staff slur: 
> a. using the list archive, apparently a possible solution is changing staffs. 
> I'm
> changing staffs from "right/upper" to "left/under" after note "c4", and then 
> I write
> final note "b2." By doing that, apparently
> there is also an empty 4th measure added automatically to the "right"
> staff.

Changing staves does not rewind time so you have to apply the rest in

> b. It _does_ give a cross-staff slur, but it is not as "nice" as the
> one in the screenshot. That one starts somewhere at the half of the
> stem of "f4" and ends above lyric "round" that is centered above final
> note "b2.". How can that be accomplished?

You can relax some constraints.  The below already looks more like what
you are asking for.  I'd probably not bother more than that.

> But first the lyrics question...
> 2. lyrics

> a. I have trouble finding a solution for the lyrics: I want a dash
> between e.g. "Rid" and "ing" (one syllable per note) as in the
> screenshot, but the slur between "e4" and "g2" prevents me from
> getting the desired result. If I remove those round brackets (slur),
> I'm still not getting "Rid - ing" but "Riding" in one word without a
> dash. How can that be accomplished?

I am using a phrasing slur here since that's apparently what you are
doing (namely, indicating a legato execution but not continuing

\version "2.18.2"

right = << \relative c' {
  \tempo "Gracefully"
  \clef "treble"
  \key c \major
  \numericTimeSignature \time 3/4
  e4\( g2\)  |%m1/right
  g4\( e2\)  |%m2/right
  f4-\tweak height-limit 5 \( d c  |%m3/right
  << \new Voice { R2. }
     \change Staff = left
   >> |%m4/left+right
  \addlyrics {
    Rid -- ing | rid -- ing, | 'round and a -- round

left = \relative c' {
  \clef "bass"
  \key c \major
  \numericTimeSignature \time 3/4
     R2. |%m1/left
     R2. |%m2/left
     R2. |%m3/left
     \skip 2. |%m4/left -> changed to left from right  

pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with { 
  instrumentName = "Pno."
} <<
 \new Staff = "right" \right
 \new Staff = "left" \left

\score {
 % ...

David Kastrup

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