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Re: Percussion Notation

From: Kevin Tough
Subject: Re: Percussion Notation
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2015 06:42:13 +0200

Hi Spencer,

Standard notation is something of a desire normally wished by persons
like myself starting into drumming. As far as it relates to a standard
drumset many online sites are now using a very similar drum key but
there are still small differences. Lilypond's "standard" in my little
experience is nothing but standard. Standard with Lilypond is however
that it is highly configurable!

Just a short example. In your file where you are writing your score
include this "include" statement or something similar...

     \version "2.18.2"


     \include "./"

The file "" should exist in the directory with your
main *.ly file. The name of my main file is noted after the percent
sign. My config file is slightly altered from a file created by another
user of Lilypond. When you look at Lilypond's documentation for
percussion and take a quick look at my file that follows you will see
that you can make Lilypond set your drum score just as you want it.
Here is my current file.....

flam = \drummode { 
  \override Stem #'length = #4 
  \acciaccatura {sn8} 
  \revert Stem #'length  

#(define katdrums '(
      (acousticbassdrum () #f -3)
      (bassdrum () #f -3)
      (sidestick cross #f 1)
      (acousticsnare () #f 1)
      (snare () #f 1)
      (handclap triangle #f 1)
      (electricsnare () #f 1)
      (lowfloortom () #f -4)
      (closedhihat cross "stopped" 5)
      (hihat cross #f 5)
      (highfloortom () #f -1)
      (pedalhihat cross #f -5)
      (lowtom () #f 2)
      (openhihat cross "open" 5)
      (halfopenhihat xcircle #f 5)
      (lowmidtom () #f 2)
      (himidtom () #f 3)
      (crashcymbala cross #f 7)
      (crashcymbal cross #f 7)
      (hightom () #f 3)
      (ridecymbala cross #f 4)
      (ridecymbal cross #f 6)
      (chinesecymbal xcircle #f 6)
      (ridebell () #f 6)
      (splashcymbal cross #f 9)
      (cowbell triangle #f 5)
      (crashcymbalb cross #f 8)
      (vibraslap diamond #f 4)
      (ridecymbalb cross #f 5)

As you play with the numbers on each line you will see that the related
symbol will be placed at a relative height on the drum staff. Who used
Lilypond's standard? I still do not know but this file of mine should
be a good start towards a modern drum key used today online. I don't
think however that you will find an official standard.

Kevin Tough

On Wed, 2015-10-07 at 00:57 +0000, Spencer Raybourne wrote:
> Could someone please explain Lilypond percussion notation vs.
> Standard percussion notation (if there is such a thing). I have seen
> several examples in books that are different from Lilypond.
> Thank you,
> Spencer
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