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Re: Question re title formatting

From: Brian Barker
Subject: Re: Question re title formatting
Date: Sat, 03 Oct 2015 14:21:30 +0100

At 15:01 03/10/2015 +0200, Bonly Bonly wrote:
There are lots of "%", say comments, that validate the rest of the line including braces.
\markup { \column
\fill-line { \large \bold \title } % title
\fill-line { \titleb }
\fill-line { \caps \piece \caps \composer }
\fill-line { \meter \arranger }

I'm not sure what you mean here: perhaps *in*validate?

The point is that the line break that should appear after "% meter" so that "\arranger" is not included in the comment and instead properly interpreted by Lilypond must be incorrect in the original .ly file. Notice also the clue that line breaks in what the enquirer describes as her "title information" do not appear correctly in the archive rendering.

Brian Barker

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