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Re: Accidentals tied over a system break

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Accidentals tied over a system break
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 16:31:16 +0200
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Am 08.10.2015 um 15:40 schrieb Sven:
Reading my way through Behind Bars by Elaine Gould, I'm trying to replicate some of the examples in LilyPond. One of them contains a tie over a system break:

\version "2.18.2"

\relative c'' {
  r2. fis,4~ | \break 
  fis8 a16 fis r8 r2 \bar "|."

LP puts a sharp in front of the first f# in measure 2 as well as the second one. According to Gould repeating an accidental twice in a bar in close succession is redundant (and I think I agree with her). To hide the second sharp, I've put \once \override Accidental #'transparent = ##t in front of it. Is this the preferred way of doing hiding that sharp?

Actually I'm not sure about the proper solution or whether it's a bug (as David Kastrup suggested).
But to hide the accidental manually you should use \once \omit Accidental instead of overriding #'transparent. Setting an object transparent will hide it but keep the space in place (so you'll probably see an unwanted gap instead.

\hide is an alias for what you did, and \omit is an alias for \override Accidental #'stencil = ##f.


I don't consider this a bug per se, but maybe LP can programmed to avoid repeating accidentals in close succession in upcoming versions?


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