duh, I am A Idiot, sorry. That needed some extra code to work. Here's a more comprehensive version:
\version "2.19.28"
\time 2/4
VITympanoMusic = \new Voice \relative c {
\clef bass
\partial 8
r8 |
R2*54^\markup { \center-align TACET }
R2.*29^\markup { \center-align TACET }
VIsystembreaks = \new Voice {
\partial 8 s8 | s2*32 | \break
s4 s8
\tempo \markup {\sans \medium \fontsize #4 "Adagio" } s8 |
s2*21 \bar "||" \break
\time 3/4
s2.*29 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } \bar "||" \pageBreak %% End Credo, Bar 83
and then inside a \score block:
\VITympanoMusic \VIsystembreaks
I resolved the issue with the barcheck: there was a mismatch between the number of rests given by systembreaks and that in TympanoMusic, but I got confused because it said the barcheck failed *before* the measure with the "R2*54" code.
Anyway, the matter is resolved for the barcheck, but I still have a problem: how do I show an entire set of movements as tacet in the part, but still have the tympani (with whole-measure rests) show up on the first line of each movement? I can't use the "R2*X" formula because there's a \time change in the middle. Is there a code to give that sets an instrument as tacet for an entire, say, \book block?
Sorry about the sub-working example.