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Accidentals tied over a system break

From: Sven
Subject: Accidentals tied over a system break
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 15:40:18 +0200

Reading my way through Behind Bars by Elaine Gould, I'm trying to replicate some of the examples in LilyPond. One of them contains a tie over a system break:

\version "2.18.2"

\relative c'' {
  r2. fis,4~ | \break 
  fis8 a16 fis r8 r2 \bar "|."

LP puts a sharp in front of the first f# in measure 2 as well as the second one. According to Gould repeating an accidental twice in a bar in close succession is redundant (and I think I agree with her). To hide the second sharp, I've put \once \override Accidental #'transparent = ##t in front of it. Is this the preferred way of doing hiding that sharp?

I don't consider this a bug per se, but maybe LP can programmed to avoid repeating accidentals in close succession in upcoming versions?


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