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Re: opus and piece fields in top level header.

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: opus and piece fields in top level header.
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 23:37:23 +0200
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On 09.10.2015 22:25, Richard Shann wrote:
In the 2.18 it does not seem to mention that the opus and piece fields
are not output anywhere if they are set in a \header{} block *outside*
any \score{} block, but this seems to be the case.

I can’t access the 2.18 docs ATM, since is down. But in the current development version, this is documented in NR 3.2.1, with an example for the default placement. 3.2.2 has an explanation how to redefine the \paper variable bookHeaderMarkup, and the default value can be found in ‘ly/’.

HTH, Simon

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