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Using \partial with TACET

From: N. Andrew Walsh
Subject: Using \partial with TACET
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 16:05:05 +0200

Hi List,

I'm working on a collection of masses, which I've broken up into a tree of files: each mass is in its own directory, with separate files for each movement and a master file listing all the \includes. There are also now separate files for each movement's \score block, so I can have different layout options per movement (this also seems necessary if I want each \music block to be contained in a differently-named variable to call up later when making the parts).

Here's my issue: in the last mass, the tympani part is tacet. I want the Tympani to show up in the score in the first system only; but in the part, I would like to have the \header block for that mass over a \markup declaring TACET in big block letters (potentially over a compressed rest-bar). I can do this for simple movements, but now I have one with a) an 8th-note pickup, and b) a meter change in the middle. If I have the following in the Tympani variable:

VITympanoMusic = \new Voice \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \partial 8 r8 | R2*54^\markup { \center-align TACET }
  R2.*29^\markup { \center-align TACET }

Lily throws a barcheck failure (but looks fine in the score). Is there a better way to do this? am I doing something wrong here, or is this a bug with Lily herself?

Secondly, is there a way I can replace that whole movement with just a big all-caps "TACET" without the multi-measure rests?



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