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Re: Frescobaldi creates the pdf but doesn't export it?

From: Karen S. Billings
Subject: Re: Frescobaldi creates the pdf but doesn't export it?
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 19:33:44 -0600

BB, Abraham, et al,

I use Frescobaldi and have found a slightly different problem...

While editing, my file exists and I get what I'm looking for when I run it through Lilypond (via Frescobaldi).  But when I go to "publish" my file (since I need the PDF), Fresco generates a "File Not Found" error for the original Lilypond file.

Even when I make a point of confirming that my file has been saved as I think it has, Frescobaldi is still unable to read it - even though Fresco just saved it.  Even though I can see & select the source file in the Fresco "open" menu, Fresco throws an error (File does not Exist) when I attempt to open the file.

This happens even when I close and restart Fresco.  I have to go into my Fresco preferences, remove my "home" directory, close Fresco, restart Fresco, set "new" preferences with the same home directory, and only then can I actually create the pdf file from the source file I had been working with all along

I know this may not be the best description, but this has been going on for weeks, now, and it's more than a tad irritating...


On Oct 21, 2015, at 7:02 PM, tisimst <address@hidden> wrote:


I've been using Frescobaldi (Windows & Linux) for a long time now and I've never experienced what you describe (in terms of needing to close the file and reopening to get the output files I specify). What kind of computer/OS specs are you using?

- Abraham

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015, BB-3 [via Lilypond] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I can confirm your description. I may add that I can correct a LP-code in frescobaldi a small number of times (2, 3, 4 ...?) before frescobaldi does not update PDF and midi! Then you have to save and reopen the file to play this game again.


On 21.10.2015 16:57, Michael Hendry wrote:
Coming late to the party, but I think this may be linked to a bug which I notified to the Frescobaldi team earlier this year:

It happened when I reopened a Lilypond file after finding an error in the PDF file I’d printed off.

I corrected the error, printed off a new PDF from the PDF viewer, and Saved and Closed the source (.ly) file.

I later discovered that the PDF file with the error in it had not been overwritten, and was still faulty.

It doesn’t look as if the github conversation on this reached a conclusion, so the bug’s probably still there.


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