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Re: My finances for working on LilyPond

From: Michael Gerdau
Subject: Re: My finances for working on LilyPond
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 08:21:22 +0200
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> I suggest David, or one of the other project owners set up a Paypal
> account that we can easily fire money off to from anywhere in the world,
> anonymously.

Paypal ?

I would NEVER pay via Paypal unless it would be absolutely crucial for
me and there were no other options.

For once to my knowledge Paypal does take a huge amount of the paid
money. I've been told it is 1/3 on small amounts but that is only
hearsay, albeit I've been told this by a person to whom I once tried
to send money via Paypal. In the end we worked out something different.

The other thing is payment definitely is NOT anonymously.

Last not least at least in europe they try to escape normal banking
regulations by cherry picking their business site, evading national
legislation etc.

Ever tried to sue Paypal from Germany because you felt they are doing
you wrong ?
Good luck - they are based in Luxembourg. You've got to sue them there.

Paypal ? No, Never.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: address@hidden
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

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