Your image shows it as I expected. But my question remains: if you want that c/e be pressed on one "string" how would you visualize that *at all*? Only with a clear idea about that it's possible to consider a *LilyPond* implementation.
That's a very good question. Since a new convention is required I think it's important to think carefully about what would be most readable and cause the least conflict with existing conventions. I'm leaning toward something very simple, like
---16 20--- whitespace between pad numbers means play simultaneously.
For stemmed tablature, I'd say the stems should attach to the rightmost pad number for up stems and the leftmost for downstems.
Slurs, I suppose, should extend from the leftmost pad that's musically part of the slur to the rightmost.
For glissandi, it may be challenging to cover all possibilities. The Linnstrument permits a slide from any pad to any other in the same row, so there's a need to cover cases like sliding from the center note of 3 pads held down on a row to some other note.