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New Staff doesn't go away after end symbol

From: Ryan Michael
Subject: New Staff doesn't go away after end symbol
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:37:35 -0700

I have the following score, which has a single instrument, cello. There is a couple bars where I wanted to add a staff to write out a riff that had some polyrhythmic things happening at large intervals. 
The following is the snippet that happens within my single voice cello score. 

\new Staff <<
  \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne \clef treble 
   aes8 ges8 <bes aes>16 <bes ges>16 d16 <bes des aes> g\harmonic\f r16 aes16
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo \clef bass \tuplet 3/2{ r4 <d,, g> r4 } r8 eih8 r16 \xNote <c g>16

The problem is that I would like 

A) the second staff to go away after the ">>" symbol" 
B) I would like the first voice to be engraved on the top original staff, and not simply above the new bass staff. Currently it prints the two voices on and above the bass staff alone leaving my original treble staff blank for these couple bars. 

I appreciate your help!

ॐ नमः शिवाय

Attachment: new_staff_wont go away.png
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