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Re: Graphic background behind systems

From: Paul Booker
Subject: Re: Graphic background behind systems
Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 13:26:48 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

> A direction modifier (- for ‘neutral’, ^ for ‘up’ or _ for ‘down’) is 
> needed to mark a post event, i.e. in this case a text script attached to 
> a note.
> HTH, Simon
Thanks Simon
I should have figured that out. What I have figured out is that a post event
may handle a layer change to -1, but leaves the layout as if the graphic
still occupied space above the staff. SO there is extra white space at the
top. I've moved back to 2.18.2 on one machine but cannot ask Lilypond to do
what it doesn't want to do.It is for a graphic design which I can resolve in
svg after output, so I'm not completely stuck. LP is still admirable!!

\version "2.18.2"
\include "include/defs.ily"

\markup {
        \score {
                \new StaffGroup
                \new Staff \with { 
                        \omit Staff.TimeSignature
                \relative c {
                        \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = 
#(ly:make-moment 1/8)
                        \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
                        c,1 c    
                         -\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-2.5 . -15)  % move to right 
                         -\tweak #'layer #-1  % place in bottom layer
                         ^\markup {
                         \with-color #(rgb-color 1 0.5 0.5) % specify color
                         \filled-box #'(0 . 1) #'(0 . 25) #1  % specify size
                \layout { }

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