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RE: merging different voices (Federico Camara Halac)

From: Joseph Austin
Subject: RE: merging different voices (Federico Camara Halac)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2017 09:53:05 -0500

On Feb 28, 2017, at 5:06 PM, address@hidden wrote:

Hello list, 

This is my first post here and I?m fairly new to Lilypond, but I need some help. I am using Lilypond to compose, and I need to merge 4 scores into one. All four scores have the same 6 instruments and time signature (4/4), and all rhythms fall into the same grid of 16th notes. 

What I imagine by ?merging? is something like superimposing pixels (multiply, add, substract, divide) but applying this to the 16th-note ?pixel?.

Is this something that can be done within Lilypond? Any suggestion would be really appreciated!



Fede, Welcome to the list.

May I suggest that if you want to do computational work on scores, you may find the MIDI representation more workable than lilypond.  Lilypond can generate MIDI, and I'm currently working on updating the reverse function--getting MIDI into Lilypond.
The recently-updated Python routine, (see also --dump)  converts MIDI files into a more readily parseable pseudo-MIDI bracketed list structure.

Given the MIDI representation of pitches by integers (middle C = 60) and absolute start-stop times (converted by from intervals into actual tick counts) you could then do whatever arithmetic you care to with whatever programming language you know, create a resultant pseudo-MIDI file, then reconvert that into a score via lilypond.  (We could also convert the pseudo-MIDI back into real MIDI or possibly into something else.)  If you wish to explore this approach further, I'd be happy to assist with additional information.
Joe Austin

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