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Lines or Boxes without reference to score or stave

From: Guy Stalnaker
Subject: Lines or Boxes without reference to score or stave
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 10:33:03 -0500


I've done a search for this in the documentation and list archives, but because the only terms I can think to search with (line, box, draw) are so common, I cannot get useful results.

What I want to do is put a box, visually, around the engraved score, but independent of the engraved score. There will be two boxes, one (dashed or dotted) representing the margins of the document, and another .25" larger that represents a paper-size (this has to do with providing engraved music output that will be placed on non-standard sized paper by another person). The boxes show them where their margins/paper is on the engraving to allow them a sense for how much space the score will consume in their final document.

This is basically four straight lines, two horizontal and two vertical but with reference to absolute page positioning, e.g., Line1: start 1.5" down from top margin and 1" in from left margin and draw horizontal for 7.5", Line2: start 1.5" down from top margin and 1" in from left margin and draw down 8.0", etc.. Everything that I've seen thus far are markup of some kind that are entered in reference to the score or, with the Notation Reference entries for \draw-hline for example, only seem to draw a line wherever the markup is place and not at an absolute position.

I can, of course, output to png, open png in image editor and add the boxes manually, but it would be easier :-) to do this in lilypond. Maybe.


Guy Stalnaker

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