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Re: Moving just text, leaving articulations in place?

From: Mark Knoop
Subject: Re: Moving just text, leaving articulations in place?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 07:55:21 +0100

At 17:38 on 18 Apr 2018, Robert Hickman wrote:
>Tried using "\override TextScript.staff-padding" to move the text
>annotations in the attached image up but it also moves the Larson
>articulation symbols up as well. I want these to stay in the same
>place and the text to move up a bit away from them. Is lilypond
>treating the articulation symbols as text?
>\header {tagline = ""}
>    \override TextScript.staff-padding = #5
>    \numericTimeSignature
>    \time 3/8
>    g'4.\cut^\markup {\tiny Cut } |  g'4.\strike^\markup {\tiny
> Strike } |

Use \tweak instead of \override, viz:

    \time 3/8

    g'4.\cut -\tweak staff-padding #5 ^\markup {\tiny Cut } |  
    g'4.\strike -\tweak staff-padding #5 ^\markup {\tiny Strike } |

Mark Knoop

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