Hello foxfanfare,
I use this function from Simon a lot.
Here's a way to add extra parameters to this function. As an example, this lets you specify the length of the hook.
How is your Scheme coding skill? You'll notice the use of quasiquoting to get the length value where it is needed in the case.
Adding other parameters as you desire I leave as an exercise for the reader.
\version "2.19.81"
hook =
#(let ((direction? (lambda (n) (= 1 (abs n))))
(define-event-function (direction on-line len)
(direction? boolean? number?)
(let* ((self-al (if on-line 0.6 0.31))
(self-al (if (= direction 1) (- self-al) self-al))
(hook-markup #{
\markup \path #0.175 #`((moveto 0 0)
(rlineto -0.85 0)
(rlineto 0 ,len))
\tweak self-alignment-Y $self-al
\tweak extra-spacing-width #'(-.5 . 0)
\finger \markup \scale #(cons 1 direction) #hook-markup
\layout {
\context {
fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
<c''-\hook #DOWN ##f 2>4 <d''-\hook #UP ##t 6>