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Re: Lyric line's vertical position is shifting from one staff system to

From: dfro
Subject: Re: Lyric line's vertical position is shifting from one staff system to the next.
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2018 00:09:36 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.8.0


Thank you, this is a great improvement! It looks like I need to study Chapter 4.4 of the Notation Reference and many of the links. I will play with the code you shared and do some homework before I ask more questions which are arising on this topic.

I just want to thank you promptly for you very quick response.

It also looks like you have solved the text clashing with the bar lines. Any advice on where I might study how to control this better?

Thank you, again for your help.


On 5/31/18 9:49 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
melody = \relative c' {

       \clef "alto"
       \hide Staff.Clef
       \key c \major
       \time 4/4

       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c


"text1" = \lyricmode {
       Here the lyric lines are in the right
       position because both lines are present.
       When the top lyric line is only "\skip1",
       the bottom line shifts up.
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       And, the bar lines are clashing with
       several words when the top staff is
       by itself.

"text2" = \lyricmode {
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       A B C D
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
       \skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1


upper = \relative c'' {
       \clef treble
       \key c \major
       \time 4/4

       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       %Shift staff spacing.
       | c' c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       %Shift staff spacing again.
       | c' c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c
       | c c c c


lower = \relative c {
       \clef bass
       \key c \major
       \time 4/4

       c4 c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c
       c c c c


\layout {
   \context {
     \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
     \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing =
         #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 0 ) (padding . -2.5) 
(stretchability . 0))

\score {

       \new StaffGroup <<
             \new Staff = "ChordsAndLyrics" \with {
                   \override StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'( 0 )
                   \override = #' (0 . 2.5)
                   \override StaffSymbol.Y-extent = #'(0 . 2.5)
                   \new Voice = "mel1" { \hideNotes \melody }
                   \new Lyrics \with {
                        alignAboveContext = "ChordsAndLyrics"
                   } \lyricsto "mel1" \"text1"
                   \new Lyrics \with {
VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing =
                             #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 0 ) 
(padding . -2.5) (stretchability . 0))
                         alignBelowContext = "ChordsAndLyrics"
                   } \lyricsto "mel1" \"text2"
             \new Staff = "upper" \upper
             \new Staff = "lower" \lower


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