\version "2.18" #(define (print . l) (map display l) (newline) #f) #(load "motif.scm") defA = #(define-motif "A") defB = #(define-motif "B") defBi = #(define-motif "B'" 'DarkGoldenrod4) defC = #(define-motif "C") #(set! structural-analysis-is-lyrics #t) \header { opus = "BWV 772" } %<<<1 voiceone = \relative c' {%<<< \exposition r16 \defA { c[ d e] f[ d e c] g'8[ } \defB { c b^\prall c] d16[ } g, a b] c[ a b g] d'8[ \defBi { g f^\prall g] e16[ } \step #1 a g f] e[ g f a] g[ \step #2 f e d] c[ e d f] e[ \step #3 d c b] a[ c b d] c[ b a g] fis[ a g b] a8[ d,] c'8.[^\mordent d16] b[ a g fis] e[ g fis a] g[ b a c] b[ d c e] d[ b32 c d16 g] b,8[^\prall a16 g] \exposition g8 r r4 r16 g[ a b] c[ a b g] fis8^\prall r r4 r16 a[ b c] d[ b c a] b8 \step #1 r r4 r16\step #2 d[ c b] a[ c b d] c8 \step #3 r r4 r16\step #4 e[ d c] b[ d cis e] d8[ \step 1 cis d e] f[ \step 2 a, b! cis] d[ \step 3 fis, gis a] b[ c] d4 ~ d16[ e, fis gis] a[ fis gis e] e'[ d c e] d[ c b d] c[ a' gis b] a[ e f d] gis,[ f' e d] c8[ b16 a] \exposition a16[ a' g f] e[ g f a] g2 ~ g16[ e f g] a[ f g e] f2 ~ f16[ g f e] d[ f e g] f2 ~ f16[ d e f] g[ e f d] e2 ~ e16[ c d e] f[ d e c] d[ e f g] a[ f g e] f[ g a b] c[ a b g] c8[ g] e[ d16 c] c[ bes a g] f[ a g bes] a[ b c e,] d[ c' f, b] 1^\fermata\arpeggio \bar "|." }%>>> voicetwo = \relative c {%<<< \clef "bass" \textLengthOff \modulation c \degree "I" r2 r16 c[ d e] f[ d e c] \degree "V" g'8[g,] r4 r16 g'[ a b] c[ a \cadence b g] c8[ \defC { b c d] e[ } g, a b] \modulation g c[ e, fis g] a[b] \degree "V+4" c4 ~ c16[ d, e fis] g[ e \cadence fis d] \degree "I" g8[ b, c d] e[fis g e] \degree "I6" b8.[ c16] d8[ d,] r16 g[ a b] c[ a b g] d'8[ g fis \halfcadence g] a16[ d, e fis] g[ e fis d] a'8[ d c \cadence d] \modulation d, g,16[ \clef "treble" g' f e] d[ f e g] f8[ e f d] e16[ a g f] e[ g f a] g8[ f g \cadence e] f16[ bes a g] f[ a g bes] \modulation a, a[ g f e] d[ f e g] f[ e d c] b[ d c e] d[ c b a] gis[ b a c] \clef "bass" b8[e,] d'8.[^\mordent e16] c[ b a g!] fis[ a gis b] a[c b d] c[ e d f] e8[ a, e' e,] a8[ a,] r4 r16 e''16[ d c] b[ d cis e] d2 ~ d16[ a b c] d[ b c a] b2 ~ b16[ d c b] a[ c b d] \modulation f c2~ c16[ g a bes] c[ a bes g] a8[ bes a g] f[ d' c bes] a[f' e d] e16[ d, e f] g[ e f d] e8[ c d e] \modulation c f16[ d e f] g8[ g,] 1\arpeggio_\fermata \bar "|." }%>>> #(motif-analysis! voiceone voicetwo) \score {%<<< \context PianoStaff << #(structural-analysis voiceone) \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t \context Staff = "one" << \voiceone >> \context Staff = "two" << \voicetwo >> #(harmonic-analysis voicetwo) >> \layout { } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 80 4) } } }%>>> % we can also do without the music and just keep the analysis: \score {%<<< \context PianoStaff << #(structural-analysis voiceone) #(harmonic-analysis voicetwo) >> \layout { } }%>>>