\version "2.19.33" \paper { #(define fonts (set-global-fonts #:music "lilyjazz" #:brace "lilyjazz" #:roman "lilyjazz-text" #:sans "lilyjazz-chord" #:factor (/ staff-height pt 20) )) } \paper { indent = 0\mm system-system-spacing.padding = 5 markup-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 23) (minimum-distance . 8) (padding . 3)) } title = "The Quick Brown Fox" composer = "-Moser" meter = "(Uptempo ballad)" realBookTitle = \markup { \score { { \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(0 . -4.5) s4 s^\markup { \fill-line { \fontsize #1 \lower #1 \rotate #7 \concat { " " #meter } \fontsize #8 \override #'(offset . 7) \override #'(thickness . 6) \underline \sans #title \fontsize #1 \lower #1 \concat { #composer " " } } } s } \layout { \once \override Staff.Clef.stencil = ##f \once \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f \once \override Staff.KeySignature.stencil = ##f ragged-right = ##f % \override TextScript.font-name = #"Pea Missy with a Marker" } } } \header { title = \realBookTitle tagline = ##f } theNotes = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" \key f \major % \showStartRepeatBar \partial 8 c8 \bar "[|:" \repeat volta 2 { a'4 r g r f4 bes2. \tuplet 3/2 { a4 g f } g4 a8 a~ a2~ 8 es4 d8 bes'4 r \tuplet 3/2 { d( c) bes } a8 g~ g2 f4 a1 b2. e,4 \bar "||" \key a \major cis'2 e b4. e8~ e4 e, a2 cis gis4. cis8~ 2 fis,2 gis4 a8 b~ b a4. gis4 a e1~ 2. 4 cis'2 e4. fis8~ 4 e2 e,4 fis2 a4. b8~ 4 a2. d,2 e4( f) g4 f es des a'1( c2~ 8) d,4 c8 \bar ":|]" } } theChords = \chordmode { s8 f2 a:7 | bes4:maj7 g2.:m7.5- | bes2:maj7/c c:9 | es:11+ d:7.9- | g1:m7 | bes:m6 | b:m7 | e:9 | a | e/gis | fis:m | cis2:m/e a:9 | d2:maj7.9 d:6 | dis1:dim7 | e:sus4.7 | e:7 | a | cis:m7.5- | d | d:m6/f | bes:maj7 | g:m7.5- | f/c | bes2/c c:7 | } theWords = \lyricmode { The quick brown fox jumps o -- ver the la -- zy dog __ while the five box -- ing wi -- zards jump quick -- ly, oh Sphinx of black quartz, oh Sphinx of black quartz, dear Sphinx of black __ quartz judge my vow, __ oh Sphinx of black quartz, my Sphinx of black quartz, Sphinx of __ black quartz judge my vow. __ 'cause the } \score { << \new ChordNames \theChords \new Voice = vocalVoice \theNotes \new Lyrics \lyricsto vocalVoice \theWords >> \layout { % make only the first clef visible % \override Score.Clef #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) % make only the first time signature visible % \override Score.KeySignature #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) % allow single-staff system bars % \override Score.SystemStartBar #'collapse-height = #1 % set lyric hyphens thickness \override LyricHyphen.thickness = #4 % set score volta bracket font % \override Score.VoltaBracket.font-name = #"Pea Missy with a Marker" } \midi { \tempo 2 = 64 } }