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Two or more accidentals per note.

From: Freeman Gilmore
Subject: Two or more accidentals per note.
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2019 18:17:51 -0500

How do you wright two (or more) accidentals to modify the same note?    Where is this written?    And is there more than one way to do this?   For example how would I write 3 #; 2 double sharps; 2 or more microtonal accidentals; or microtonal  accidentals with #'s or b's.    Please keep the explanation simple, I do not have much experience with LilyPond.
I did fined this but it engraves to many note heads:
\version "2.19.21"
\header {
  texidoc = "When two (or more) accidentals modify the same pitch,
they are printed adjacent to one another unless they represent the same
alteration, in which case they are printed in exactly the same position
as one another. In either case, collisions with accidentals of different
pitches are correctly computed."
{<< <dis'' aeses as a! a! ais aisis a,! aeh cis'> \\ <ais aih> >> }
\paper {ragged-right = ##t}
Thank you,

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