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Re: Shift up OttavaBracket

From: Paolo Prete
Subject: Re: Shift up OttavaBracket
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 15:19:10 +0100

On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 2:37 PM Kieren MacMillan <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Paolo,

> from what I read in the documentation
> ... there are two ways to place items like the OctaveBracket.
> 1) The first method is to use properties like "padding" (therefore: staff-padding, outstide-staff-padding etc.). The advantages of making changes to this type of property are  (according to the doc) that "other objects will be moved automatically if necessary to make room "
> 2) The second method is the "extra-offset" method. It, according to the doc, should be used "when all else fails", and has this disadvantage: "correct values for the repositioning have to be worked out, often by trial and error, for every object individually"

What about Y-offset (e.g. <>)? Where does that go?

Hello Kieren. 

Look at this:

As you can see, the result is the same if I set "2" or "0" for the Y-offset property.
This means that there's not a way to know how to shift the bracket  +2 staff spaces (or any other specific value) above its *calculated position*, because there's a hidden (and unknown) offset. Similar problems happen with staff-padding, outside-staff-padding etc.
As you can see too, in the previous snippet, extra-offset shows the correct behavior. But using extra-offset has the disadvantage that "correct values for the repositioning have to be worked out, often by trial and error, for every object individually"

Consider too that the behavior of all these properties (except for extra-offset) seems different if I use \offset instead of \override or if I switch from 2.18 to 2.19 and vice-versa.

Then I would consider the OttavaBracket interface *broken*

Maybe I'm wrong and I ask all again the starting question with an added token:

How can I shift up the ottava bracket exactly TWO staff spaces above its calculated position in the first way suggested by the documentation ("other objects will be moved automatically if necessary to make room ")  ?



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