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Re: Questions about using Scheme with Lilypond

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: Questions about using Scheme with Lilypond
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2020 15:07:08 -0800
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.4.9

On 2020-11-15 12:03 pm, Tom Brennan wrote:
I'd like to create a function that would allow me to create a `bookpart`
from a list of arguments. E.g.,


Is this kind of thing possible?

Yes-ish, see my post [1] last month about "returning" books and book parts.


2. Applying variadic arguments (i.e., "splat"). E.g., in Clojure, you can
do something like this:


but you can't just throw a list in right there, right? It would need to be expanded, in the `apply` sense. I assume Guile has macros, like Clojure, but I don't know how to use them yet. Would that path lead me to success
here, though?

Guile does support macros, although these are not needed for procedures of variable arity. Consider:

\version "2.20.0"

#(define (foo . args) (format #t "\nargs=~s" args))
#(foo 1 2)
#(foo 'a 'b 'c)

#((lambda args (format #t "\nargs=~s" args)) 3 'd)

args=(1 2)
args=(a b c)
args=(3 d)

The problem you are hitting is that music functions must have fixed arity. There is limited support for optional arguments, but the parser ultimately needs to know how much input will be consumed by a function. Otherwise, you could invoke a music function and potentially read to the end of the file.

To work around this limitation, you can leverage existing constructs that contain variable numbers of things. Consider a function that needs to accept one or more pitches. You could instead accept ly:music? so multiple pitches are specified within curly braces (i.e. sequential music). The music-pitches procedure will handle extracting the pitches from the provided music:

\version "2.20.0"

baz = #(define-void-function (pitches) (ly:music?)
  (format #t "\npitches=~s" (music-pitches pitches)))
\baz a
\baz { b d f }

pitches=(#<Pitch a >)
pitches=(#<Pitch b > #<Pitch d > #<Pitch f >)

-- Aaron Hill

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