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\partCombine question

From: Federico Sarudiansky
Subject: \partCombine question
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 17:21:22 -0300


I have a question regarding \partCombine. 

Consider the following example:

\version "2.22.1"

uno = {c''4\f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 }
dos = {c''4\f c' c'' c' c'' c' c'' c' }

\score {
  \new Staff { \partCombine {\uno \uno} {\dos \uno} }
  \new Staff { \partCombine #'(1 . 10) {\uno \uno} {\dos \uno} }
  \new Staff { <<\uno \\ \dos>> \partCombine {\uno} {\uno} }

Is there a way to produce something like the third staff (except for the double forte) using only \partCombine? I.e. something like setting a mininum "a2" length? I like the results of the first staff regarding dynamics but I feel the constant on/off of the "a2" is a little annoying. 

I know I can avoid the "a2" setting an empty text with \set Staff.aDueText = ##f and then restore it to its previous value. But I wonder if there is another option. Even in this case, if no "a2" is present, it would be really nice to have the two voices explicit, to avoid confusion.

Thanks in advance!



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