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lilypond book

From: Carlos Martinez
Subject: lilypond book
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2021 13:13:21 -0500


I am trying to put together a book. A collection  of 13 pieces with lilypond. 

I would like the book to be setup in this way 

#(set-global-staff-size 20)

\version "2.20.0"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")
  top-margin = .50\in
   right-margin = .50\in
   left-margin = .50\in
   bottom-margin =  .50\in
   \include "../footer001.ily"
  evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup  

I want each piece to show its own 

- Title and composer
- each piece start in its own page. 

I am trying to setting it up but I cannot do it!

I have already engraved each pieceā€¦ and would love to have the include. But 
somehow it is not working..


For the 

\bookpart {

  \header { maintainer = "Carlos R Martinez" }
  \header {
  title = ##f
    composer = ##f

  \markup { \fill-line { \center-column 
                                \null \null \null \null
                                        \null \null 

\epsfile #X #20 #"./emologo.eps"
        \null \null \null \null \null \null
        \line {\abs-fontsize #20 "Essential Music  "}
        \line {\abs-fontsize #36 \bold "Piano Foundations"}
        \line {\abs-fontsize #20 "Vol. I"}
        \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #20 "" }
        \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #14 " "}
        \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #14 "by"}
        \fill-line { \abs-fontsize #14 "Carlos R Martinez"}
        } } }

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