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Re: question about, export notes as text.

From: Gilles Thibault
Subject: Re: question about, export notes as text.
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2022 21:13:59 +0200
User-agent: Webmail Free/1.3.3

Le 2022-07-30 22:46, Eef Weenink a écrit :
It gives error;

Ah yes damn, the latest version of has a bug on line 112. [(= n 0) crashes when n is not a number)] I had reorganized this portion of code but I did not see this error because it only impacts a very small number of functions (including export-instruments!).
Sorry about that.
I uploaded the new version (see link below). As only is concerned here is the direct link for this file.

I also very slightly modified your code so that it can adapt to
Everything should be fine now

Good reception.



Direct access :


export-instruments test
\version "2.22.0"

\include ""

\header {
  title = "Romance Oubliée"
  composer = "Liszt, Ferenc (1880)"
  tagline = "Arrangement Eef Weenink"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists "Melody_engraver"
    \override Stem #'neutral-direction = #'()

global = {
  \key e \minor
  % This function below does not yet exist in my version 2.22.0
  %\twoCompoundMeters #'(9 8) #'(3 4)   % uncomment please
  \time 9/8
  \partial 4. s4.
  %\twoCompoundMeters #'(6 8) #'(2 4)
  \time 6/8
  \bar "|."

#(init '(viola)) % you have to call init before using other function ! (see doc)

#(rm 'viola '(1 -4.) #{ \relative c' {
  c8\downbow_( \mf ^\markup {\italic "Andante malinconico"} b a
  e'4. \< f2. \! )      | % 1
  r2.c8_( b a      | % 2
  f'4. \< fis2. \! )      | % 3
  r2. fis,8\downbow ( e dis | % 4
  a' g fis ) c' (b a g fis a )| % 5
  c (b a) dis\upbow (c b a b c) | % 6
  dis ( e eis fis4 ) r8 g\upbow_"espr." ( fis e) | % 7
  b'4.~ b8 b(  c b  \acciaccatura { d16 } c8 b)  | % 8
  b4.\> ( fis4) \!  r8 fis( g \acciaccatura { b16 } a8)  | % 9
  c,4.~ c8  b( \acciaccatura { d16} c8 b4 g'8)   | % 10
  fis4.( e4) r8 g\upbow( fis e)   | % 11
  b'4.~ b8 b(  c b  \acciaccatura { d16 } c8 b)  | % 12
  b4.( e,4->) r8 es( b' a ) | % 13
  a4. d,4 ( e!8 fis4 \tuplet 3/2 { e16 fis g) }  | % 14
  fis4( e8 fis4) r8 es( b' a ) | % 15
  a4. d,4 ( e!8 fis4 \tuplet 3/2 { e16_"dim." fis g) }  | % 16
  fis4 \>( e8 fis2.) \! | % 17
  R4.*3  | % 18

  R2.  | % 19
  r4 r8 \p \<fis4. ^~ ^\upbow^ (  | % 20
  fis8 e dis) a'4. \> ^~ ^(  % 21
  a8 [ g fis]) fis^--  \! r8 r
  f4.\downbow(  \acciaccatura { a16} g4 fis8)  % 22
  %verder met pagina 3
     } #})

#(export-instruments '(global viola) "" #t)


\score {
  \new Staff \with {
    instrumentName = "Altviool"
    shortInstrumentName = "Avl."
    \consists "Merge_rests_engraver"
    printPartCombineTexts = ##f
     << \clef alto \global \viola >>
  \layout { }



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