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layout problem

From: Archer Endrich
Subject: layout problem
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 12:41:25 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird


I've been given a short item to realise in Lilypond and it includes a layout problem that I haven't been able to solve.

Basically, it is a piano piece in which, after a bit, a part for chimes is added:  i.e., another staff above the piano's treble part a few bars in as in my MWE.  I have tried to do this as an ossia staff in  but it produces the result testlayoutB.pdf which starts the chimes part at the beginning of the example, not where I want it to start.

Comments in my .ly refer to a semicolon being commented out and reinstated just above the piano Bass clef part.  This causes the chimes and piano treble second line line to begin where I want it to, but it is placed below the bass, with a spurious clef above the bass.

What I would really like to do is to use StaffGroup as in but this fails with a fatal error: "\new StaffGroup  %Fatal error: 'spurious expression in \score'", so Lilypond rejects this kind of construction.

I have a voice & piano piece of my own which changes the number of staves in the piano part, so I'm very keen to learn how to deal with changing numbers of staves in a score.



Description: Text Data

Description: Text Data

Attachment: testLayoutB.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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