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Changes in lilypond-book?

From: SK
Subject: Changes in lilypond-book?
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 21:12:59 +0200


after updating a lilypond-based toolchain on one of my PCs to the latest version (2.24.4), I ran into a problem with lilypond-book. I'm not sure if the problem is with lilypond or with python, however here is the issue:

I use the following command in a python script:["lilypond-book", "--output="+args.output,"--pdf","-lERROR","--lily-loglevel=ERROR", file],shell=True)

This results in a file not found error from lilypond book:
--output=C:\Users\[Username]\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample\pyOut --pdf -lDEBUG --lily-loglevel=ERROR book_general.lytex

But running this command directly in the shell, it works: --output=C:\Users\[Username]\Desktop\Tools\Songbook\Sample\pyOut --pdf -lDEBUG --lily-loglevel=ERROR book_general.lytex

I used this a lot before the update and can't figure it out. Those arguments must get messed up somewhere. FWIW, I'm using the "portable" installation without the installer, because that one messed up my environment variables.

Sorry for posting a possibly not strictly lilypond-relevant question, but any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards!

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