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Re: How can I reuse an outline in a score

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: How can I reuse an outline in a score
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2024 14:11:57 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Sebastian Menge <> writes:

> I used an "\outline" consisting of silence and the time signatures and
> marks and put it in parallel inside the staff but then the layout gets
> wrong, because the "silence" somehow influences the layout algorithm. (see
> below)

It doesn't.

> Is there a more clever way to organize this?

You can just remove the blunder in your code and try again.

To wit:

>           \clef "treble"
>           \global
>           <<
>              \musicAII  \\
>              \outline
>           >>

    << ... ... >>

makes music parallel.  In contrast,

    << ... \\ ... >>

creates an upper and lower voice context with appropriate settings for
an upper and lower voice context for the left and the right expression
and puts those separate voice contexts with their special settings in

That is most definitely not what you want or need here.  Remove the \\ .

David Kastrup

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