I am writing some percussion parts (orchestral, not kit) which require a number of changes of instrument. I would like to change from one instrument to another without starting a new staff. I have an example which starts with cymbal, (percussion staff with a single ledger line) goes to Glockenspiel (treble clef full staff), then back to cymbal and then bongos. The problem is when I go from treble clef back to percussion I am using \drums{ and this starts a new stave. If I don't use \drums{ then I can't seem to set the drumStyleTable to put the notes on the correct lines. I can't really find any examples in the documentation for switching styles mid-stave.
Here's my example,
\version "2.24.1"
PercTwo = \relative {
\drummode {
\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #1
\clef percussion
\time 3/4
sn8:32 ^\markup "Cym" sn8 r2|
\relative c'{
\language "english"
\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #5
\clef treble
<g'' g,>4\mf^\markup "Glockenspiel" <c, c,> <e e,>|
\override Staff.StaffSymbol.
line-count = #1
\time 7/8
\set Timing.beatStructure = 3,2,2
tomml4.:32~ ^\markup "Cym"
\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-count = #2
\set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable
= #bongos-style
bol8->^\markup "bongos" bol boh
bol-> boh bol-> boh|bol-> bol boh
bol-> boh bol-> boh|
\score {\PercTwo}
The above does what I want, but it starts a new staff where I invoke \drums instead of carrying on the same staff.