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[Linphone-developers] linphone sdk window make run video call error help

From: lilinde
Subject: [Linphone-developers] linphone sdk window make run video call error help
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2019 06:59:48 -0700 (MST)

i'm make like :
-- Building for: Visual Studio 15 2017
-- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10.0.18362.
-- Enabled features:
 * Xml2, Enable bc version of libxml2
 * Sqlite, Enable bc version of sqlite3
 * Zlib, Enable bc version of zlib
 * Mbedtls, Crypto stack implementation based on mbeddtls.
 * Non free codecs, Allow inclusion of non-free codecs in the build.
 * SRTP, SRTP media encryption support.
 * ZRTP, ZRTP media encryption support.
 * WebRTC AEC, WebRTC echo canceller support.
 * WASAPI, Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI) sound card support.
 * G729, G.729 audio encoding/decoding support.
 * G729B CNG, G.729 annex B confort noise generation.
 * GSM, GSM audio encoding/decoding support.
 * OPUS, OPUS audio encoding/decoding support.
 * Speex, Speex audio encoding/decoding support.
 * BV16, BroadVoice 16 audio encoding/decoding support.
 * Video, Ability to capture and display video.
 * jpeg, JPEG support with libjpeg-turbo.
 * OpenH264, H.264 video encoding/decoding support with the openh264 library
(require license).
 * MKV, MKV playing and recording support.
 * VPX, VPX (VP8) video encoding/decoding support.
 * CXX wrapper, Build the C++ wrapper for Liblinphone.
 * VCARD, Enable vCard 4 support in Linphone and Liblinphone.
 * Assets, Enable packaging of assets (ringtones) when building the SDK.
 * Advanced IM, Enable advanced instant messaging such as group chat.
 * DB Storage, Enable the database storage.

-- Disabled features:
 * Unit tests, Enable unit tests support with BCUnit library.
 * Debug logs, Enable debug level logs in libinphone and mediastreamer2.
 * Doc, Enable documentation generation with Doxygen and Sphinx
 * Tools, Enable tools binary compilation.
 * unmaintained, Allow inclusion of unmaintained code in the build.
 * Soci mysql, Enable mysql support of SOCI
 * Polarssl, Crypto stack implementation based on polarssl.
 * Tunnel, Secure tunnel for SIP/RTP (require license).
 * RTP Map always in SDP, Always include rtpmap in SDP.
 * mDNS, Multicast DNS support
 * GPL third parties, Usage of GPL third-party code (FFmpeg and x264).
 * WebRTC AECM, WebRTC echo canceller for mobile support.
 * AMRNB, AMR narrow-band audio encoding/decoding support (require license).
 * AMRWB, AMR wide-band audio encoding/decoding support (require license).
 * Codec2, Codec2 audio encoding/decoding support.
 * G726, G.726 audio encoding/decoding support.
 * iLBC, iLBC audio encoding/decoding support.
* FFmpeg, Some video processing features via FFmpeg: JPEG encoding/decoding,
video scaling, H264 decoding...
 * ISAC, ISAC audio encoding/decoding support.
 * Silk, Silk audio encoding/decoding support.
 * WebRTC VAD, WebRTC voice activation detector support.
 * V4L, Ability to capture and display video using libv4l2 .
 * qrcode, QRCode support with zxing.
 * H263, H263 video encoding/decoding support (require license).
 * H263p, H263+ video encoding/decoding support (require license).
 * MPEG4, MPEG4 video encoding/decoding support (require license).
 * X264, H.264 video encoding support with the x264 library (require
 * AAudio, AAudio Android sound card for Android 8+.
 * Camera2, Android capture filter using Camera2 API for Android 8+
 * PCAP, PCAP support.
 * GTK UI, Enable the GTK user interface of Linphone.
 * CSharp wrapper, Build the C# wrapper from Liblinphone.
 * Swift wrapper, Build the Swift wrapper from Liblinphone.
 * Jazzy doc, Build the Swift doc from Liblinphone.
 * Java wrapper, Build the Java wrapper from Liblinphone.
 * LIME, Enable Linphone IM Encryption support in  Liblinphone.
 * LIME X3DH, Enable Linphone IM Encryption version 2 support in 
 * NLS, Enable internationalization of Linphone and Liblinphone.
 * Update Check, Enable update check.

call log:

2019-12-27 21:45:53:854 liblinphone-warning-generated proxyconfig idkey =

2019-12-27 21:45:57:658 ortp-error-QOSAddSocketToFlow failed to add a flow
with error 87

2019-12-27 21:45:57:660 ortp-error-QOSAddSocketToFlow failed to add a flow
with error 87

2019-12-27 21:45:57:826 liblinphone-warning-CallSession [06E0BD4C] -
advanced adaptive rate control requested but avpf is not activated in this
stream. Reverting to basic rate control instead

2019-12-27 21:45:57:839 ortp-error-QOSAddSocketToFlow failed to add a flow
with error 1168

2019-12-27 21:45:57:987 ortp-error-QOSAddSocketToFlow failed to add a flow
with error 1168

2019-12-27 21:45:58:010 bctbx-warning-Getting reference signal but no echo
to synchronize on.

2019-12-27 21:45:58:012 bctbx-warning-Not enough ref samples, using zeroes

2019-12-27 21:45:58:047 bctbx-warning-Not enough ref samples, using zeroes

2019-12-27 21:45:58:066 bctbx-warning-Not enough ref samples, using zeroes

2019-12-27 21:45:58:084 bctbx-warning-Not enough ref samples, using zeroes

2019-12-27 21:45:58:133 mediastreamer-error-no such method on filter
MSOpenH264Dec, fid=16389 method index=7

2019-12-27 21:45:58:134 mediastreamer-error-no such method on filter
MSOpenH264Dec, fid=16389 method index=8

2019-12-27 21:45:58:297 ortp-warning-The transport layer doesn't implement
SO_TIMESTAMP, will use gettimeofday() instead.

2019-12-27 21:45:58:356 mediastreamer-fatal-No scaler implementation
built-in, please supply one with ms_video_set_scaler_impl ()

can't find h264???

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