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[linterna-magica-commit] [153] Changes for tasks #11216.
From: |
Ivaylo Valkov |
Subject: |
[linterna-magica-commit] [153] Changes for tasks #11216. |
Date: |
Mon, 25 Jul 2011 13:49:18 +0000 |
Revision: 153
Author: valkov
Date: 2011-07-25 13:49:17 +0000 (Mon, 25 Jul 2011)
Log Message:
Changes for tasks #11216. Added rule to process the XHR response. All sites
migrated to the new code. Dropped support for sites that do not exist anymore.
Ticket Links:
Modified Paths:
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_bliptv.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_bliptv.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC (rev
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_bliptv.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC (rev
@@ -136,3 +136,41 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["blip.tv"].process_xhr_response =
+ var client = args.client;
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ var xml = client.responseXML;
+ // All the data is available in the XML, but it is not a
+ // good idea to support the site in two places. JSON is
+ // easier. The drawback is two requests.
+ try
+ {
+ var embed_id =
+ xml.getElementsByTagName("embedLookup");
+ // Firefox
+ if (embed_id && typeof(embed_id[0]) == "undefined")
+ {
+ embed_id =
+ xml.getElementsByTagName("blip:embedLookup");
+ }
+ object_data.video_id = embed_id[0].textContent;
+ this.request_bliptv_jsonp_data(object_data);
+ }
+ catch(e)
+ {
+ this.log("LinternaMagica.prototype.request_video"+
+ "_link_parse_response:\n"+
+ "Exception in Blip.tv while parsing XML",1);
+ }
+ // Do not process the XHR anymore. The video object will not be
+ // created.
+ return null;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_boozhocom.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_boozhocom.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC
(rev 152)
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_boozhocom.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC
(rev 153)
@@ -40,3 +40,17 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["boozho.com"].process_xhr_response =
+ var client = args.client;
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ var xml = client.responseXML;
+ var rel_url = xml.getElementsByTagName("movie_path")[0].textContent;
+ object_data.link = "http://www.boozho.com/"+rel_url;
+ return object_data;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_dailymotion.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_dailymotion.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC
(rev 152)
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_dailymotion.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC
(rev 153)
@@ -137,3 +137,68 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["dailymotion.com"].process_xhr_response =
+ var client = args.client;
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ if (!this.plugin_is_installed &&
+ !object_data.linterna_magica_id &&
+ !object_data.parent)
+ {
+ // In Dailymotion the script that creates the flash
+ // object replaces itself. The work around here is to
+ // request the page and process it.
+ // Dailymotion uses pseudo-random ids for some DOM
+ // elements of interest. We replace the body HTML with
+ // the one returned by the XHR. Then scripts are
+ // processed. The script extraction code matches the
+ // correct ID for the parentNode in DOM, that will
+ // hold the video object. The original body is
+ // restored, because some data is missing in the body
+ // data from XHR. After all data is collected, the
+ // parentNode (object_data.parent), where the video
+ // object will be inserted is replaced with the one in
+ // the original body. Custom function to match the
+ // parent by CSS class is used, because getElementById
+ // does not support regular expressions.
+ var body_data =
+ client.responseText.split("<body")[1].
+ replace(/>{1}/,"__SPLIT__").
+ split("__SPLIT__")[1];
+ var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+ var original_body_data = body.innerHTML;
+ body.innerHTML = body_data;
+ this.script_data = client.responseText;
+ object_data = this.extract_object_from_script_swfobject();
+ body.innerHTML = original_body_data;
+ object_data.parent =
+ this.get_first_element_by_class("dmpi_video_playerv[0-9]+");
+ if (!object_data.parent)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ var hd_links = this.extract_dailymotion_links(client.responseText);
+ object_data.link = hd_links ? hd_links[hd_links.length-1].url : null;
+ object_data.hd_links = hd_links.length ? hd_links : null;
+ // See "A note on cookies"
+ if (/restore/i.test(this.process_cookies))
+ {
+ this.restore_cookies();
+ }
+ return object_data;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_myvideode.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_myvideode.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC
(rev 152)
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_myvideode.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC
(rev 153)
@@ -102,3 +102,24 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["myvideo.de"].process_xhr_response =
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ var client = args.client;
+ try
+ {
+ var thumb_url = client.responseText.split(/image_src/)[1];
+ thumb_url = thumb_url.split(/\/\>/)[0].split(/\'/)[2];
+ object_data.link = this.create_myvideode_link(thumb_url);
+ }
+ catch(e)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return object_data;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_theonion.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_theonion.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC (rev
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_theonion.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC (rev
@@ -165,3 +165,16 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["theonion.com"].process_xhr_response =
+ var client = args.client;
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ var onion_data = eval("("+client.responseText+")");
+ object_data.link = onion_data.video_url;
+ this.capture_theonion_clip_change(object_data);
+ return object_data;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_vbox7com.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_vbox7com.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC (rev
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_vbox7com.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC (rev
@@ -44,3 +44,14 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["vbox7.com"].process_xhr_response =
+ var client = args.client;
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ object_data.link = client.responseText.split("=")[1].replace("&","");
+ return object_data;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_videoclipsdumpcom.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_videoclipsdumpcom.js 2011-07-25
09:13:04 UTC (rev 152)
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_videoclipsdumpcom.js 2011-07-25
13:49:17 UTC (rev 153)
@@ -42,3 +42,19 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["videoclipsdump.com"].process_xhr_response =
+ var client = args.client;
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ var xml = client.responseXML;
+ var path = xml.getElementsByTagName("videoPath")[0];
+ if (path)
+ {
+ object_data.link = path.getAttribute("value");
+ }
+ return object_data;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_vimeo.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_vimeo.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC (rev
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_vimeo.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC (rev
@@ -161,3 +161,67 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["vimeo.com"].process_xhr_response =
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ var client = args.client;
+ var xml = client.responseXML;
+ var rq_sig = xml.getElementsByTagName("request_signature");
+ rq_sig = rq_sig[0].textContent;
+ var rq_exp = xml.getElementsByTagName(
+ "request_signature_expires")[0].textContent;
+ var id = xml.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
+ id= id.getElementsByTagName("nodeId")[0].textContent;
+ object_data.link = "http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop/play/clip:"+
+ id+"/"+rq_sig+"/"+rq_exp+"/?q=sd";
+ // Check if there is HD clip
+ var is_hd = xml.getElementsByTagName("isHD");
+ if (is_hd && is_hd[0] && is_hd[0].textContent)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ is_hd=parseInt(is_hd[0].textContent);
+ }
+ catch(e)
+ {
+ is_hd=0;
+ }
+ }
+ // HD links support only for clips that have it
+ if (is_hd)
+ {
+ object_data.hd_links = new Array();
+ var hd_link = new Object();
+ // Translate?
+ hd_link.label = "Low quality";
+ hd_link.url = object_data.link;
+ object_data.hd_links.unshift(hd_link);
+ hd_link = new Object();
+ // Translate?
+ hd_link.label = "High quality";
+ hd_link.url = object_data.link.replace(/q=sd/, "q=hd");
+ object_data.hd_links.unshift(hd_link);
+ }
+ // Vimeo web server sends the clips as
+ // video/mp4. totemNarrowSpace plugin (plays video/mp4)
+ // sends custom UA. This prevents the video to load. Must
+ // use video/flv, so totemCone plugin could start and send
+ // UA of the browser. totemNarrowSpace/QuickTime plugin
+ // have other issues as well. Could be forced to
+ // video/flv, but there is a better fix in
+ // create_video_object();
+ object_data.mime = "video/mp4";
+ return object_data;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_youtube.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_youtube.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC (rev
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_site_youtube.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC (rev
@@ -379,3 +379,25 @@
return result;
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites["youtube.com"].process_xhr_response =
+ var client = args.client;
+ var object_data = args.object_data;
+ var fmt = this.extract_youtube_fmt_parameter(client.responseText);
+ var maps = this.extract_youtube_fmt_url_map(client.responseText);
+ var hd_links = this.create_youtube_links(fmt, maps);
+ object_data.link = hd_links ? hd_links[hd_links.length-1].url : null;
+ object_data.hd_links = hd_links.length ? hd_links : null;
+ // See "A note on cookies"
+ if (/restore/i.test(this.process_cookies))
+ {
+ this.restore_cookies();
+ }
+ return object_data;
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_sites.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_sites.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC (rev 152)
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_sites.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC (rev 153)
@@ -237,14 +237,24 @@
return false;
+// Process the XHR response.
+// Arguments
+// An object:
+// {
+// // XHR client object
+// client: object,
+// // The object that holds the extracted information about the flash
+// // object
+// object_data: object
+// }
+// Return value
+// object_data
+LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__process_xhr_response =
+ return true;
-// LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__extract_scripts_extract_when // Condition
? DM /ted?
-// LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__wait_before_inserting_object_from-script
// FB
-// LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__extract_swfobject_regex
-// LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__match_for_video_link
-// LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__keep_amps_in_video_link
-// LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__prepare_xhr
-// LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__process_xhr_responce
// LinternaMagica.prototype.sites.__insert_object_after_xhr
// Check if site specific config and function exists and call it. If
Modified: branches/task-11216/src/lm_xhr.js
--- branches/task-11216/src/lm_xhr.js 2011-07-25 09:13:04 UTC (rev 152)
+++ branches/task-11216/src/lm_xhr.js 2011-07-25 13:49:17 UTC (rev 153)
@@ -124,266 +124,26 @@
var host = window.location.hostname;
var url;
var mime= "video/flv";
- var xml;
- var hd_links = new Array();
- if (client.responseXML)
- xml = client.responseXML;
+ var self = this;
+ var val = this.call_site_function_at_position.apply(self,[
+ "process_xhr_response",
+ host, {client: client, object_data:object_data}]);
- if (/vbox7\.com/i.test(host))
- url = client.responseText.split("=")[1].replace("&","");
- if (/vimeo\.com/i.test(host))
+ if (!val || typeof(val) == "boolean" || (val && !val.link))
- var rq_sig = xml.getElementsByTagName("request_signature");
- rq_sig = rq_sig[0].textContent;
- var rq_exp = xml.getElementsByTagName(
- "request_signature_expires")[0].textContent;
- var id = xml.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
- id= id.getElementsByTagName("nodeId")[0].textContent;
- url = "http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop/play/clip:"+
- id+"/"+rq_sig+"/"+rq_exp+"/?q=sd";
- // Check if there is HD clip
- var is_hd = xml.getElementsByTagName("isHD");
- if (is_hd && is_hd[0] && is_hd[0].textContent)
- {
- try
- {
- is_hd=parseInt(is_hd[0].textContent);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- is_hd=0;
- }
- }
- // HD links support only for clips that have it
- if (is_hd)
- {
- var hd_link = new Object();
- // Translate?
- hd_link.label = "Low quality";
- hd_link.url = url;
- hd_links.unshift(hd_link);
- hd_link = new Object();
- // Translate?
- hd_link.label = "High quality";
- hd_link.url = url.replace(/q=sd/, "q=hd");
- hd_links.unshift(hd_link);
- }
- // Vimeo web server sends the clips as
- // video/mp4. totemNarrowSpace plugin (plays video/mp4)
- // sends custom UA. This prevents the video to load. Must
- // use video/flv, so totemCone plugin could start and send
- // UA of the browser. totemNarrowSpace/QuickTime plugin
- // have other issues as well. Could be forced to
- // video/flv, but there is a better fix in
- // create_video_object();
- mime = "video/mp4";
+ return null;
- if (/4videosharing\.com/i.test(host))
+ else
- var video_tag = xml.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
- url = video_tag.getElementsByTagName("src")[0].textContent;
+ object_data = val;
- // We should not be entering here anyway. It seems most
- // objects have the mediaURL variable)
- // if (/metacafe\.com/i.test(host))
- // {
- // // The Content-type is not correct
- // xml = (new DOMParser()).
- // parseFromString(client.responseText,"application/xml");
- // var item = xml.getElementsByTagName("item")[0];
- // url = item.getAttribute("url");
- // }
- if (/vbox\.bg/i.test(host))
+ if (!object_data.mime)
- url = xml.getElementsByTagName("clip")[0].
- getAttribute("url");
+ object_data.mime = mime;
- if (/boozho\.com/i.test(host))
- {
- var rel_url = xml.getElementsByTagName("movie_path")[0].
- textContent;
- url = "http://www.boozho.com/"+rel_url;
- }
- if (/vidoemo\.com/i.test(host))
- {
- var links_re = new RegExp(
- "\\\<a.*href=\\\"([^\\\"]+).*\\\>Download\\\s*"+
- "(.*)\\\s*of\\\s*video",
- "ig");
- var links;
- while (links = links_re.exec(client.responseText))
- {
- var hd_link = new Object();
- hd_link.label = links[2];
- hd_link.url = links[1];
- hd_links.push(hd_link);
- if (/flv/i.test(hd_link.label))
- {
- url = hd_link.url;
- }
- }
- }
- if (/youtube\.com/i.test(host) ||
- /youtube-nocookie\.com/i.test(host))
- {
- var fmt =
- this.extract_youtube_fmt_parameter(client.responseText);
- var maps =
- this.extract_youtube_fmt_url_map(client.responseText);
- hd_links = this.create_youtube_links(fmt, maps);
- url = hd_links ? hd_links[hd_links.length-1].url : null;
- // See "A note on cookies"
- if (/restore/i.test(this.process_cookies))
- {
- this.restore_cookies();
- }
- }
- if (/dailymotion\.com/i.test(host))
- {
- if (!this.plugin_is_installed &&
- !object_data.linterna_magica_id &&
- !object_data.parent)
- {
- // In Dailymotion the script that creates the flash
- // object replaces itself. The work around here is to
- // request the page and process it.
- // Dailymotion uses pseudo-random ids for some DOM
- // elements of interest. We replace the body HTML with
- // the one returned by the XHR. Then scripts are
- // processed. The script extraction code matches the
- // correct ID for the parentNode in DOM, that will
- // hold the video object. The original body is
- // restored, because some data is missing in the body
- // data from XHR. After all data is collected, the
- // parentNode (object_data.parent), where the video
- // object will be inserted is replaced with the one in
- // the original body. Custom function to match the
- // parent by CSS class is used, because getElementById
- // does not support regular expressions.
- var body_data =
- client.responseText.split("<body")[1].
- replace(/>{1}/,"__SPLIT__").
- split("__SPLIT__")[1];
- var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- var original_body_data = body.innerHTML;
- body.innerHTML = body_data;
- this.script_data = client.responseText;
- object_data = this.extract_object_from_script_swfobject();
- body.innerHTML = original_body_data;
- object_data.parent =
- this.get_first_element_by_class("dmpi_video_playerv[0-9]+");
- if (!object_data.parent)
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- hd_links = this.extract_dailymotion_links(client.responseText);
- url = hd_links ? hd_links[hd_links.length-1].url : null;
- // See "A note on cookies"
- if (/restore/i.test(this.process_cookies))
- {
- this.restore_cookies();
- }
- }
- if (/myvideo\.de/i.test(host))
- {
- try
- {
- var thumb_url = client.responseText.split(/image_src/)[1];
- thumb_url = thumb_url.split(/\/\>/)[0].split(/\'/)[2];
- url = this.create_myvideode_link(thumb_url);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (/videoclipsdump\.com/i.test(host))
- {
- var path = xml.getElementsByTagName("videoPath")[0];
- if (path)
- {
- url = path.getAttribute("value");
- }
- }
- if (/theonion\.com/i.test(host))
- {
- var onion_data = eval("("+client.responseText+")");
- url = onion_data.video_url;
- this.capture_theonion_clip_change(object_data);
- }
- if (/blip\.tv/i.test(host))
- {
- // All the data is available in the XML, but it is not a
- // good idea to support the site in two places. JSON is
- // easier. The drawback is two requests.
- try
- {
- var embed_id =
- xml.getElementsByTagName("embedLookup");
- // Firefox
- if (embed_id && typeof(embed_id[0]) == "undefined")
- {
- embed_id =
- xml.getElementsByTagName("blip:embedLookup");
- }
- object_data.video_id = embed_id[0].textContent;
- this.request_bliptv_jsonp_data(object_data);
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- this.log("LinternaMagica.prototype.request_video"+
- "_link_parse_response:\n"+
- "Exception in Blip.tv while parsing XML",1);
- }
- return null;
- }
- if (!url)
- {
- return;
- }
- object_data.link = url;
- object_data.mime = mime;
- object_data.hd_links = hd_links.length ? hd_links : null;
// FIXME HTML5 in WebKit switch like for flash plugin ?
// In the next release 0.0.10 ?!
if (!/youtube\.com/i.test(window.location.host) &&
@@ -398,7 +158,7 @@
"Removing plugin install warning.",2);
this.log("LinternaMagica.request_video_link_parse response:\n"+
- "Creating video object with url: "+url,1);
+ "Creating video object with url: "+object_data.link,1);
else if ((/youtube\.com/i.test(window.location.host) ||
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- [linterna-magica-commit] [153] Changes for tasks #11216.,
Ivaylo Valkov <=