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[lmi] Call for suggestions: new input fields

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] Call for suggestions: new input fields
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 04:08:45 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Soon we may add some input fields. Adding many at the same time
might cost little more than adding one. If there are any you'd
like added, the time to speak up is by Oxi Day.

Here are the candidates I'm considering (not promising):

 - Checkbox: Emit monthly-detail spreadsheet. Today, typing the
   string "idiosyncrasyZ" in "Comments" does that, but such
   behavior is, well, somewhat idiosyncratic. Perhaps this
   should be a menu command instead.

 - Checkboxes for "idiosyncrasy_daily_interest_accounting" and
   "idiosyncrasyV" (with good names). "idiosyncrasy_spew" should
   be a menu command. I'll expunge "idiosyncrasy_spreadsheet"
   once we make the right supplemental-report columns available.
   Idiosyncrasies--just say "oxi".

 - Checkbox: Use current COI rate for partial mortality.

 - Various input sequences for pricing customization, e.g.,
    - stable-value charge
    - combined DAC- and premium-tax charge
    - investment management fee
   These would work like "Extra policy fee" and other fields of
   that ilk: they'd be charged in addition to the corresponding
   database parameters. I don't know exactly what fields we
   should provide. I've seen "custodial fee" distinguished from
   IMF, but don't know whether purchasers see that as useful
   information or distracting clutter.

At the same time, I'd expunge "Current COI grading": apparently
no one wants it or has ever used it, and I'm about to remove
the calculations associated with it. Anything not actually used
in the program is also fair game for expunction without warning.

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