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[lmi] Changes in error handling

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] Changes in error handling
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 08:03:20 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

As of 20051217T0714Z, I've resolved all the error-handling problems
I know about. This includes a problem Vadim had identified--that
passkey-validation problems were correctly diagnosed, but left the
program's PID in the process table, so it looked like a zombie
process (though technically different)...which prevented relinking
the program.

Vadim--Looking back, it strikes me that this code in 'main_wx.cpp'
is fragile:

  bool Skeleton::OnExceptionInMainLoop()
          // This just rethrows the exception. For msw at least, it
          // seems crucial that the exception be thrown from the same
          // shared library that caught it. This works only with a
          // 'monolithic' wx shared library.
          return wxAppConsole::OnExceptionInMainLoop();

Is there a way to assert, in C++, that we have a monolithic wx build?
Particularly if not, I think there's a strong case for providing a
simple 'rethrow' function like wxAppConsole::OnExceptionInMainLoop()
in the GUI subsystem of wx. Other wx-msw users might run into the
same problem. Here
we discussed what happens if the wxAppConsole::OnExceptionInMainLoop()
call above is replaced by 'throw;'. Here's a documented test case:
that shows the underlying problem in a simplified way; I don't know
whether this is specific to gcc.

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