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Re[2]: [lmi] help for individual wxRadioBox items

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re[2]: [lmi] help for individual wxRadioBox items
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 17:23:55 +0200

On Tue, 16 May 2006 11:18:56 -0400 "Boutin, Wendy" <address@hidden> wrote:

BW> On  2006-05-16 08:31 Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
BW> >  Hello,
BW> > 
BW> >  After tooltips, we're working on implementing support for specifying the
BW> > help text for the individual radio box items. Just to be sure that we are
BW> > doing what's needed for lmi I'd like to briefly summarize the upcoming
BW> > changes:
BW> > 
BW> > 1. wxRadioBox::SetItemHelpText(n, text) will be added
BW> > 2. wxRadioBox XRC handler will be modified to recognize 
BW> > "help" attribute
BW> >    on the <item> tags
BW> I just got done testing the 'xrc.exe' sample and like what you've
BW> done there; it's exactly what I expected. How is that different
BW> from what you say you have left to do here?

 What we did so far were the tooltips and what remains to be done is the
same for the context help text. The difference is that context help has a
somewhat different appearance and behaviour, as described before, and, main
one, that it's invoked by F1/"?" button unlike the tooltips which just
appear on the mouse hover. From the usage point of view, normal tooltips
are supposed to contain the brief description and the context help ones are
for more detailed help.


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