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Re: [lmi] newline in C++ variables

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] newline in C++ variables
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 12:11:28 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

On 2009-09-10 17:52Z, Wendy Boutin wrote:
> On 2009-09-10 13:15, Vaclav Slavik wrote:
>> On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 12:16 -0400, Wendy Boutin wrote:
>>> The xml file that's fed to 'fop' (this message
>>>    http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/lmi/2008-12/msg00006.html
>>> shows how to get that xml file) contains only one
>>> paragraph, so I'm thinking the breakdown in the
>>> pipeline is: C++ --> xml
>> Certainly. What exactly are you doing with the string? In other words,
>> how can I reproduce this behavior? I can't find anything similar in the
>> public sources.
> I thought this change:
> Index: ihs_proddata.cpp
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /sources/lmi/lmi/ihs_proddata.cpp,v
> retrieving revision 1.21
> diff -u -2 -r1.21 ihs_proddata.cpp
> --- ihs_proddata.cpp  18 Feb 2009 22:12:11 -0000      1.21
> +++ ihs_proddata.cpp  10 Sep 2009 17:40:27 -0000
> @@ -344,5 +344,8 @@
>       foo.GuarSpecAmtLoadFilename        = "sample";
>       foo.PolicyForm                     = "UL32768-NY";
> -    foo.PolicyMktgName                 = "UL Supreme";
> +//    foo.PolicyMktgName                 = "UL Supreme";
> +    foo.PolicyMktgName                 = "This is paragraph one."
> +                                         "\n"
> +                                         "This is paragraph two.";
>       foo.PolicyLegalName = "Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance 
> Policy";
>       foo.InsCoShortName                 = "Superior Life";
> would simulate what I'm trying to do with the proprietary
> sources, but it caused this strange error instead:
>    Value '(800) 555-1212' invalid for type '12mcenum_state'.
>    [file /opt/lmi/src/lmi/mc_enum.tpp, line 203]

Here's how the variable you changed, 'PolicyMktgName', is
read and written in 'ihs_proddata.cpp':

    std::getline(is, PolicyMktgName,                '\n');
    os << PolicyMktgName                << '\n';

That's how all data members are handled.

They're newline-delimited records--so this part of the code:

    foo.PolicyMktgName                 = "UL Supreme";
    foo.PolicyLegalName = "Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy";
    foo.InsCoShortName                 = "Superior Life";
    foo.InsCoName                      = "Superior Life Insurance Company";
    foo.InsCoAddr                      = "Superior, WI 12345";
    foo.InsCoStreet                    = "246 Main Street";
    foo.InsCoPhone                     = "(800) 555-1212";
    foo.InsCoDomicile                  = "WI";

produces this newline-delimited part of 'sample.pol':

[begin snippet]
UL Supreme
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Superior Life
Superior Life Insurance Company
Superior, WI 12345
246 Main Street
(800) 555-1212
[end snippet]

We might wish it were xml instead:
  <InsCoPhone>(800) 555-1212</InsCoPhone>
but it's not. Instead...

The thirty-first  line is 'InsCoPhone': "(800) 555-1212".
The thirty-second line is 'InsCoDomicile': "WI".

Embedding a newline in an earlier member makes the file one
line too long and pushes following members down, so that:

The thirty-second line is 'InsCoDomicile': "(800) 555-1212".

It's a telephone number, but it's read as a USPS state code;
yet there is no US state named "(800) 555-1212", hence:

>    Value '(800) 555-1212' invalid for type '12mcenum_state'.

Perhaps it could be made to work by changing the file format
to xml, but that's not an option for a September 30 release.

On 2009-09-10 16:16Z, Wendy Boutin wrote:
> Instead of '\n', I tried writing '&#10;', which seems
> to display exactly '&#10;' at the end of the first
> paragraph. A carriage return ('\r') didn't work either.

...exactly what happens when you use a carriage return
instead of a newline character?

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