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Re[2]: [lmi] Creating end-user packages for msw

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re[2]: [lmi] Creating end-user packages for msw
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:51:56 +0100

On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 14:26:47 -0400 "Murphy, Kimberly" <address@hidden> wrote:

MK> The first of a given month is appropriate for most end-user 
MK> packages. On occasion, some end-users are provided the system 
MK> a few days earlier. Waiting until the first of the month may 
MK> not be a hardship in most situations, unless of course there's 
MK> a feature someone wants to get their hands on. In this case, 
MK> the 'fardel_date_script' could be overridden.

 Sorry for repeating myself but, just in case it was lost among other
things I wrote, I am quite convinced that overriding fardel_date_script is
not a good idea. It's relatively complicated and it would make much more
sense to override its input parameters instead of trying to redefine part
of the makefile _logic_ from make command line.

 And if we do want to override it, simply creating the expiry date in the
fardel creation script would seem a better idea than doing it at make
level. This would still suffer from the before mentioned problem of
duplicating the same logic in two places but would at least be simple to

 Overriding fardel_date_script suffers from both duplication and being
complex and I believe my patch (sent via private mail) refactoring
fardel_date_script to allow overriding its input parameters is a much
better solution if we need to do this at all.

 Thanks for reading and I promise not to repeat this any more :-)

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